Free Book

All human beings go to the astral dimension while the physical body is sleeping. It is necessary to learn to do this process in a conscious way and to bring back our memories when we return to our body. Astral experiences are very important in people’s esoteric development.

About the Alcyone Association

History and purpose of our association.

The Alcyone association was started in Spain on the 4th of May 2007.

We borrowed the name of the star Alcione, Alcyone or Alcion. That is the brightest star amongst the Pleiades constellation and thus it has a special meaning.

In 2007, a group of people who for some years had been studying and practising together certain esoteric knowledge, decided to become organized as a cultural association with the aim of being another link of that huge chain that contributes to the spiritual improvement of humanity.


From 1999 we have been carrying out activities to disseminate the book ‘Hercolubus or Red Planet’ written by the great researcher in esotericism V.M. Rabolu, with whom we had been studying for many years and from who we had learnt a great deal. He wrote this small book soon before his passing in the year 2000.

The impulse that led us to create the Alcyone association was none other than the urge to contribute with our effort to spread the above mentioned work worldwide. We then decided to do it in a non-profit and altruistic way, knowing the extraordinary importance and urgency of its dissemination in these times of worldwide crisis and complete failure of ethical and moral principles.

With the birth of the Alcyone Association we undertook campaigns of free dissemination of the book ‘Hercolubus or Red Planet’. Since then, we have sent hundreds of thousands of copies to interested individuals and families in the five continents. Similarly, through those years we have received testimonials of gratitude from thousands of readers from all corners of the world.

With the passage of time, gradually people from different countries joined our dissemination task and nowadays we are all working alongside as a great family. We are united with the aim of showing humanity the future that is awaiting us, since as the author of the book wrote:

Since year 2000 the whole planet is in tragedy. It is not that life is going to end, but it truly begins to succumb. It is a process lasting years, but from 2000 we are all in tragedy…

V.M. Rabolú

Non-profit organization appointed as agent-collaborator in the dissemination and distribution of the work ‘Hercolubus or Red Planet’.

Author: Joaquín Amórtegui Valbuena (V.M, Rabolú)
Editor: Ángel Prats

The Alcyone Association is registered with the National Registry of Associations within the Ministry of Home Affairs, group 1, section 1, with national number 588698, and has its headquarters in Burgos, P.O. Box 4, 09080 Burgos (España).